Video: Wurlitzer 200A - Amp Comparison
Comparing different amplifiers for the Wurlitzer 200A. The direct signal from the Wurlitzer is recorded once and then sent through the different amplifiers with a re-amp box.
Instrument: Wurlitzer 200A.
Amplifiers: Fender Twin Reverb, Roland JC-120, Vox AC15H1TV, Tandberg Model 2 T (TB2) and Leslie 122.
Microphones: Shure SM57, Royer R-121 and Sennheiser e 602-II (for lower rotor on Leslie).
Signal chain: Wurlitzer 200A, Universal Audio Apollo, Hairball Audio FET/RACK Revision D, Radial X-Amp into amplifier (except for direct out example), Chase Bliss Audio & Meris CXM 1978 (almost inaudible, just adds some "air" and stereo width) and DIYRE G Bus VCA Compressor.
Comparing different amplifiers for the Wurlitzer 200A. The direct signal from the Wurlitzer is recorded once and then sent through the different amplifiers with a re-amp box.
Instrument: Wurlitzer 200A.
Amplifiers: Fender Twin Reverb, Roland JC-120, Vox AC15H1TV, Tandberg Model 2 T (TB2) and Leslie 122.
Microphones: Shure SM57, Royer R-121 and Sennheiser e 602-II (for lower rotor on Leslie).
Signal chain: Wurlitzer 200A, Universal Audio Apollo, Hairball Audio FET/RACK Revision D, Radial X-Amp into amplifier (except for direct out example), Chase Bliss Audio & Meris CXM 1978 (almost inaudible, just adds some "air" and stereo width) and DIYRE G Bus VCA Compressor.