Video: Wurli with contact mic, whammy and tape echo
Tried to make an intimate and kind of broken piano sound with the Wurlitzer 200A, contact mic, whammy pedal, tape echo and different effects 🛸 🦄
- The contact mic is mixed in with the internal pickup
- The high E notes is recorded in a separate take 🎹
- The whammy signal is mixed in with the original signal
- On the high E notes the whammy is only on the echoes
- The overdrive comes from a Fender Twin Reverb amp and a Hudson Broadcast pedal
- It's recorded through a Hairball Audio FET/RACK (1176) for some mild compression and coloration
- The amplifier is miced with a Shure SM-57 and a Royer R-121
- The reverb is a short/small room reverb from a Chase Bliss Audio & Meris CXM 1978
Instrument: Wurlitzer 200A.
Effects: DigiTech Whammy (5th Gen), Fulltone Tube Tape Echo, Hairball Audio FET/RACK Revision D, Hudson Electronics, UK Broadcast, Fulltone Supa-Trem and Chase Bliss Audio & Meris CXM 1978
Amplifier: Fender Twin Reverb.
Microphones: Shure SM-57 and Royer R-121.
Tried to make an intimate and kind of broken piano sound with the Wurlitzer 200A, contact mic, whammy pedal, tape echo and different effects 🛸 🦄
- The contact mic is mixed in with the internal pickup
- The high E notes is recorded in a separate take 🎹
- The whammy signal is mixed in with the original signal
- On the high E notes the whammy is only on the echoes
- The overdrive comes from a Fender Twin Reverb amp and a Hudson Broadcast pedal
- It's recorded through a Hairball Audio FET/RACK (1176) for some mild compression and coloration
- The amplifier is miced with a Shure SM-57 and a Royer R-121
- The reverb is a short/small room reverb from a Chase Bliss Audio & Meris CXM 1978
Instrument: Wurlitzer 200A.
Effects: DigiTech Whammy (5th Gen), Fulltone Tube Tape Echo, Hairball Audio FET/RACK Revision D, Hudson Electronics, UK Broadcast, Fulltone Supa-Trem and Chase Bliss Audio & Meris CXM 1978
Amplifier: Fender Twin Reverb.
Microphones: Shure SM-57 and Royer R-121.