Video: Clavinet D6 - Fuzz Pedal Comparison

Instrument: Hohner - Clavinet D6.

Effects pedals: Dunlop / Dallas Arbiter - '93 Fuzz Face (NKT-275), Fender - Blender (3-knob), Hudson Electronics, UK - Broadcast and Mojo Hand FX - Iron Bell.

Amplifier settings: The amplifier is set to very clean and pentode mode (15 watts). The signal is fed through the top boost preamp channel. Volume about 10 o'clock, Treble about 1 o'clock, Bass about 3 o'clock and Top cut about 8 o'clock.

Pedal settings: The settings for the fuzz pedals is the same in each example. The fuzz amount is set to maximum and output is set to approximately unity gain. The tone and colour pots for the Iron Bell are set to 12 o'clock. The selector switch on the Fender Blender is set to the first fuzz setting.

The fuzz pedals receive and send the same amount of signal as each other but the gain may vary inside the fuzz circuit. As you may hear the Fender Blender is a lot cleaner although the fuzz amount on each pedal is set to maximum.

The Clavinet is recorder with Whirlwind Direct2 DI box and re-amped with Radial X-Amp into a Vox AC15H1TV.

The amplifier is miced up with a Shure SM57 and a Sennheiser e 602-II.

On the intro I used the same setup, but with a Diamond - Memory Lane 2 and a VanAmps - Sole-Mate Jr. in line.