Video: The Clavinet solo sound of "Kaasin - Hidden"
Videos Dehli Musikk has created or contributed in
The different tracks that make up the Clavinet solo sound on the song Hidden.
The drums are played and recorded by Chris Brush.
The Clavinet is recorded with a DI-box once and then re-amped multiple times for the different tracks. The only effects used on the DI signal is a Real McCoy Custom Picture Wah on the last part of the solo.
The Clavinet solo sound consists of 6 tracks.
Track 1 & 2 (Fuzz): The DI-signal is re-amped two times with different fuzz pedals. A Fuzz Face and an Iron Bell. Both fuzz pedals is ran through a VanAmps Sole-Mate Jr. into a Vox AC15H1TV mic'd up with a Shure SM57. The two fuzz tracks is panned slightly(25%) to each side.
Track 3 (Punch): The DI-signal is ran through a VanAmps Sole-Mate Jr. into a Vox AC15H1TV mic'd up with a Shure SM57. The recorded track is then heavily compressed with CLA-76 (1176 plugin) and CLA-2A (LA-2A plugin). The CLA-76 has a pretty slow attack to accentuate the transients for more punch.
Track 4, 5 & 6 (Rotary effect): The DI-signal is ran through an Electro-Harmonix English Muff'n and a VanAmps Sole-Mate Jr. into a Solton Dopplertone rotary speaker. The upper horn is mic'd up with a stereo pair of Shure SM57 panned hard to each side and the lower rotor is mic'd up with a Sennheiser e 602-II.
Instrument: Hohner Clavinet D6.
Effects: Real McCoy Custom Picture Wah, Dunlop / Dallas Arbiter '93 Fuzz Face, Mojo Hand FX Iron Bell, Electro-Harmonix English Muff'n and VanAmps Sole-Mate Jr.
Amplifiers: Vox AC15H1TV and Solton Dopplertone.
Plugins: Waves Audio CLA-76 and Waves Audio CLA-2A.