Video: Omnichord (Omni-84) strumplate script for Logic Pro X
Videos Dehli Musikk has created or contributed in
Omni-84 Strumplate converts a single note to a strummed chord. The notes are strummed in the same order as the original Omnichord, but you have the possibility to make it strum in regular ascending order as well.
The script contains strum patterns for all the individual chords from the Suzuki Omnichord OM-84.
It has the same notes values for the chords as the Omni-84 'Chords' preset, which means you can send MIDI to both at the same time and get strummed SonicStrings on top of the chord sample. To achieve this you put no script plugin on the 'Chords' track and a 'Omni-84 Strumplate' script on the 'SonicStrings' track.