Video: Fender Rhodes with pitch-shifting tremolo

I'm using the 2 channel (stereo) tremolo in the Avion Studios RetroFlyer preamp as a dry/wet splitter. One channel is sent through a Whammy pedal, analog delay, spring reverb, and Dimension D, while the other channel has the dry, direct sound of the Rhodes. Both signals are summed together and sent through the CXM 1978 reverb.

Instrument: Rhodes Mark I Stage Piano with Avion Studios RetroFlyer preamp.

Effects: DigiTech Whammy (5th Gen), Electro-Harmonix Deluxe Memory Man, Hairball Audio FET/RACK Revision D, Gamechanger Audio LIGHT Pedal, Roland Dimension D SDD-320, Chase Bliss Audio & Meris CXM 1978 and DIY Recording Equipment G Bus VCA Compressor.